Bev and Andy Warren – Feb 2024 Website Update
Serving the Ethiopia Team with Mission to the World
Andy and Bev Warren began their missionary service with Mission to the World in 1982 and have ministered in Kenya, Hungary and Ethiopia. They have four adult children, Hannah, Cooper, Asher and Christopher and eight grandchildren. Since 1996 Andy and Bev have served in Ethiopia where Andy leads MTW’s mercy ministry team. In 2002, through a partnership with SIM Ethiopia, they started Ethiopia ACT. The team works with the poorest residents of Addis Ababa, caring for their medical needs and making sure their children are fed and sent to school as well as planting churches and discipling believers in the community with the vision is to reduce the impact of poverty and disease on the most vulnerable people of Addis Ababa so as to see communities transformed. In 2023, Bev and Andy officially transferred the leadership of Ethiopia ACT both to the local staff and the US directorship to their daughter Hannah Bansil. They continue to support ACT from the US, providing leadership, develop and coordinate medical teams as well as provide missionary care for the Ethiopia MTW missionaries. Bev’s missionary role now also includes a global position of serving as an adviser on the Field Leadership team that provides direction and oversite for all MTW field missionaries with a focus on Women’s Ministry.
Prayer Requests:
1. Praise for the work Andy has been able to do in leading MTW on integrating mercy/justice ministry with church planting. Pray that this would bear fruit.
2. Praise for the work Bev has been able to do with MTW in developing and using gifts of women on the mission field.
3. Pray for Ethiopia ACT now under the leadership of Hannah Bansil (US director) and Theodros Alemayehu, (known as Teddy – the Ethiopia director).
4. Pray that Medical Mission teams go forward, with the goal of 6-7 teams in 2024, the first one being CRPC’s own team in January 2024. Praise that the CRPC trip went exceeding well.
5. Pray for Bev and Andy as they provide member care for the Ethiopia mission team (3 couple, 1 single and 8 children total).
5. Pray for the government (under Prime Minister Dr. Abiy) for peace especially in the northern Tigray region and for the hyper-inflation occurring which affects ACT and its beneficiaries.
7. Pray for the 3 church plans, specifically their newest one Grace of the Messiah, that gospel seeds would be sown
Updated February 2024