Through Presbyterian accountability in the PCA, we are united to the broader church.
Contact City Reformed
Matt Koerber
Senior Pastor
Joseph Bianco
Associate Pastor
Nameun Cho
Associate Pastor / Executive Pastor
John McCombs
Assistant Pastor
Josiah Hall
Scholar in Residence
Daniel Snoke
Music Director
Seulgi Byun
Ministry Assistant
Becki Toney
Children's Ministry Director
Molly Knauer
Youth Ministry Director
Lori Pope
Children's Ministry Assistant
Patty Stehle
Children's Ministry Assistant
Catherine Claus
Staff Support Team
Allison Barker
Chrissie Koerber
Office Assistant
Amy Bollinger
Office Assistant
Emily Peets
Office Assistant
Matthew Yost
Building Maintenance
David Snoke
Luke Kephart
Ben Chidester
Craig Kozminski
David Bacon
Joe Stehle
Women’s Ministry Council
The Women’s Ministry Council is always available to come alongside women for support and advocacy. If you find yourself in a situation that is difficult or unsafe and you need an advocate, or need help identifying resources that you can turn to for help, please reach out to one of us on the council at [email protected]
Amanda Moore
Irene Winkler
Debbie Bacon
Sarah Winkler
The deacons are available to help with a variety of needs including financial support, physical needs, and logistical assistance. We are also happy to provide resources and connections to our partner organizations. If you would like to donate financially to support our ministry you can do so HERE.
Neil Friedrich
Bill Gould
Jeff Winkler
Dan Toney
Cyril Isaac
Don McMillan
Welcome to CRPC Missions!
City Reformed PCA has sought to be a “missional” church since our inception as a church plant in 2004. What does that mean? It means we seek to take the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus (Matt.28:18-20) seriously as a church body, in both sending and supporting gospel laborers into His harvest fields here in the US or abroad, on either a short-term or long-term basis. In fact, roughly 2/3 of the mission partners spotlighted below are CRPC members, including 6 members currently on the ground serving in North Africa. It is truly an exciting time to be a Christian and see God’s kingdom expanding around the world, toward the fulfillment of the great biblical promise pictured in Revelation 7:9-10:
After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands and crying out with a loud voice, “Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!”
Revelation 7:9-10
The CRPC Missions Committee consists of ten members of our church who are committed to seeing the good news of Jesus and the glory of His person and work spread to the ends of the earth. If you have questions about missions at CRPC, please contact Alex Watt (chair) at [email protected].
Warmly in the hope of Christ,
The Missions Committee
Vision Statement
The CRPC Missions Committee exists to support the Session and church body in fulfilling the Great Commission through promotion, prayer and biblical sending/care of kingdom laborers. We will prioritize training and equipping CRPC members to serve cross-culturally, especially as these efforts intersect with our identity as a church dedicated to the university and medical communities.
The CRPC Missions Committee
Click each picture for a bio and prayer requests
Missions In the U.S.A.
Hannah Nation
Serving with China Partnership
Adrienne Willhoft
Serving in Huntingdon, PA
Missions Abroad
The Jones Family
Missions Abroad
The Warren Family
Missions Abroad
Andrew and Amy
Missions Abroad
Donnie and Kara W.
Missions Abroad
Dean and Kyria
Missions Abroad
Jon and Beka
Missions Abroad
Jon and Vicky
Missions Abroad