Adult CE Webinar Series: “Plugged In” by Dan Strange

Fall Adult Christian Education Saturday 9/26/20 @ 10:00AM-12:00PM: The first book we will read together is “Plugged In” by Dan Strange, who will be joining us virtually from London, England to talk about his book. Engaging with the secular culture we live in is a vitally important subject for Christians today; it informs how we do evangelism and helps us relate better to our non-Christian friends. These are the practical issues which Dan will ask us to think about:

  1. On p. 19, Dan talks about three of our common reactions to culture: look in, lash out or look like. Which one best describes you and the Christian context around you? Why?
  2. What are the objects of worship in the lives of your non-Christian friends and culture around you?
  3. Having read Plugged In, what more can you do as an individual and a church to engage faithfully and fruitfully with our culture? Think very practically.