90 Days Through the Story of Scripture: “Cycles of Renewal”

Deuteronomy 29:16-30:6.  “Cycles of Renewal”
Rev. Matthew Koerber
1/31/2021, AM Worship

Sermon Outline:
Intro:  Warnings from Moses and a Cycle of Renewal

  1. The cycle as shown in the text
    1. (v.16-19)  “Beware”
    2. (v.20-28)  “Consequences”
    3. (v.29)  “Perspective”
    4. (v.30:1-2)  “Return”
    5. (v.30:3-6)  “Restoration”   
  2. Cycles of renewal in Biblical History and Church History
    1. OT Biblical History (Judges, Kingdom, Exile & Return)
    2. NT History (Galatians, Revelation) 
    3. Church History (Revivals and Reformation) 
  3. What we can learn from this
    1. Where are we now in regard to this cycle? 
      1. (v.18)  “person, clan, tribe”
        1. Individually?
        2. Congregation?
        3. Nation?
    2. What response is called for? 

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