90 Days Through the Story of Scripture: “Messiah in Exile”

silhouette of cloud with sunlight

Matthew 2:13–23
​Rev. Matt Koerber

Main Idea:  Jesus is the savior in exile.  He is the one God’s people were waiting for, but in his life experience he was marginalized.
Problem Condition:  We experience the realities of suffering in a broken world and need a savior who can identify with us in our weakness.

I.) Messiah in Exile 
  (i.) Refuge in Egypt (v.13-15) 
  (ii.)  “Massacre of the Innocents”  (v.16-18) 
  (iii.)  Hometown Nazareth  (v.19-23)   
II.) Application 
  – The humiliation of Jesus challenges our pride and achievement
  – The humiliation of Jesus achieves our salvation and he is able to meet us in weakness

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