90 Days Through the Story of Scripture: “The New Heavens and the New Earth”

silhouette of cloud with sunlight

Revelation 20:11-21:7
​Rev. Matt Koerber

Main Idea:  Major “story threads” are drawn together at the end of the Bible. 

  1. The Story of Each Person’s Life (v.11-15)
    1. Final judgment
    2. “According to what they have done”
    3. The book of life


  1. The Story of Salvation (v.21:1-7)
    1. Marriage
    2. Multiple themes of redemption  


  1. The Story of the Created World “All Things New”
    1. The heavens come down & creation is restored
    2. Sorrows are removed and longings satisfied

Are you in the story of redemption?

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