An Example from the Wilderness

silhouette of cloud with sunlight

1 Corinthians 10: 1-13
Rev. Matt Koerber

90 Days in Review: “An Example in the Wilderness”
1 Corinthians 10:1-13
Main Idea: The failures of Israel in the wilderness serve as negative examples for the church. 
Fallen Condition: We need both warnings and encouragements when we are tempted. 
Intro: “Our fathers” …. “an example for us”
#1.) Dangers of complacency
               4 examples

  • Golden Calf (Ex 32)
  • Pagan compromise (Num 25)
  • Rejection of exodus salvation (Num 21)
  • Refusal to enter the land (Num 14)

#2.) Examine your heart
               What is the root desire that displaces God?
#3.) Encouragement for those who are tempted
               Our experience of temptation is “common”
               God is faithful

  • He will limit the scope of the temptation
  • He will provide a way out of temptation
  • We are not meant to do this alone
    • Jesus as provision in the wilderness (v.4)
    • Jesus and the bronze serpent (John 3:14-15)

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